After the summer of 2019, you go out to the streets to protest and the governor who had been elected by the people has to resign. Then COVID hits, and it changed the history of the world, not only of Puerto Rico. Many countries in the world, economically disadvantaged, do not have access to vaccines, do not have access to medicine, many have died. And in the United States, the richest country in the world, many have died of not having care for its citizens, and it has been the country that has the most people who died in the world, despite being the most economically developed country in the world with its best pharmaceutical companies and its hospitals and doctors.
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Entrevista de historia oral de Jeraldine L. Martínez Cordero, Mayo 13, 2021
In this interview we can learn about the life of a nurse during natural phenomena. We will know about the sacrifices they have to make in order to fulfill their duty. As well as the consequences of all those running days of work. -
Entrevista de historia oral de Janilette M. Feliciano Agostini, Mayo 14, 2021
The interview was made with Janilette M. Feliciano regarding the time and place she was in during the earthquakes of 2019 and 2020. The interview is describing how she was affected due to the fact that she was on vacation. -
Entrevista de historia oral de Caroline Lorenzo Sanabria, Abril 30, 2021
This interview is about Jaicy's mother's short story about her childhood. They discuss her memories of Hurricane George, with her story covering her childhood and adult goals. -
Oral history interview with Ana Amaro and Hilberto Amaro, April 15, 2021
Ana Amaro and her husband talk about how María destroyed their beautiful, two-floored wooden house. They moved to a concrete house next door and later watched how their house got destroyed due to the rain. The house was devastated.
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