Virtuatón: Full-length writing workshop
Virtuatón: The feast of the bees, Tere Marichal
Virtuatón: A Look at Puerto Rican Energy
JAJUC Initiative Video
ENCUENTRO _ Dr. José Molinelli, University of Puerto Rico
ENCUENTRO _ Judith Enck, EPA Region 2 Administrator
ENCUENTRO _ Sila María Calderón, former governor of Puerto Rico
ENCUENTRO_Roberto González, Archbishop of Puerto Rico
ENCUENTRO_Hon. Carmen Yulín Cruz, Mayor of San Juan
ENCUENTRO _ Hon. Alejandro García Padilla, Governor of Puerto Rico
Organization of donations
Lunch organization for the community
Removal of debris
People receiving donations
Agricultural tools
Donations of elements to clean the water
Damage seen after the passage of the Hurricane María
Damage seen after the passage of the Hurricane María
Community Outreach Volunteer Team
Community Outreach Volunteer Team
Community Outreach Volunteer Team
Community Outreach Volunteer Team
Rechargeable lamps for the community
Video Hurricane Maria 2017
Workshops led by El Puente ELAC on its Oasis Energéticos program